art doll

Lady and Unicorn £80 +p&p

Dandelion doll £40 +p&p

Lady and hare 1 £80 +p&p

Wise woman £50 +p&p

Boz £20+p&p

Minus £20 +p&p

Fierce kelpie £45 +postage

Orange forest spirit £35 +postage

Nell and Beau £50 +p&p

Butterfly girl (sold)

Green forest spirit (sold)

Snow Spirit (sold)

Blue forest spirit (sold)

Mermarie (sold)

Stagman (sold)

Hanging angel with gold halo (sold)

Mother Earth Father Sky nfs

Art doll Daisy (sold)

Iris (sold)

Honey queen of the hive art doll (sold)

Free spirit art doll (sold)

Moonray (sold)

Honey queen of the hive art doll

Boz and Minus

Guardian Earth Walker (nfs)