Here are a selection of visual thoughts and ideas on paper.
Some are pages from sketchbooks.
Some are pages from sketchbooks.

The pink handbag collage on paper

Mablethorpe pirates collage on paper

Bird woman collage on paper

sketchbook leopard and bird

sketchbook tiger and critter

sketchbook dog and bird

sketch book bear and dog

collage flower

collage garden fae

collage animals

sketchbook Daisy plan

sketchbook rain

dress thoughts 2

dress thoughts

dress thoughts 3

sketchbook whale

collage horse and rider

sketchbook earth and water


sketch book 1

works on paper 2

sketch book 2

pastel sketch


sketch book 9

works on paper 3

sketch book 3

sketches for ceramics

works on paper

painted sketch

sketch book 10

sketch book 4

sketch book 8

sketchbook 11

Pastel drawing

designs for pots 1

sketchbook 9

sketch book 12 (after Lorna Graves)

sketch book 7

designs for pots 4

design for pot 2